Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A year from now you'll wish you started today

I have made it! I did it, I made it a whole year of healthy eating, working out and pure dedication. They say New Year resolutions don't work and not to aim so high but I definitely needed to set my goals. I started the year making small goals for my weight loss and each time I'd reach them, I'd make another and another. It's hard to believe, the yoyo dieter me was able to continue for so long but it's because I stopped "dieting" and started eating right and working out...I stopped feeling like I was being deprived, learned portion control and became aware of how much I was overeating. Here's to all of you who want to make 2013 a healthy beginning!

Blue stripe tank: January 1, 2012
Beige tank: January 1, 2013